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In this brief report we will talk
about ways to enhance the meaning of gem stone cufflinks. The
wearing of birthstone jewelry is a tradition that is many
centuries old. With the increased interest in cuff links with
gems, it was quite obvious that birthstone cufflinks would
become very popular. Very people would not be aware of what a
birth stone means, we will however provide a brief explanation
The belief that a persons destiny
is controlled by the heavenly bodies in the sky started a long
time ago. Closely related to this belief is the tradition of
birthstones, this has been 'simplified' to imply that, a
particular gem is related to each month of the calendar. With
this concept, your birthstone would be determined with
reference to the month in which you were born. Carried on
right up to this day, the belief is that wearing your
birthstone will bring you good luck, fortune and wealth.
Similarly, birthstones also keep away what is not good, not
safe and not desirable for a healthy, safe and prosperous
Now back to our discussion on
cufflinks with birthstones. You could say that, birthstone
cufflinks in gold or silver are a specific type of gemstone
cuff links. Specific because, when you choose to get a pair of
birth stone cufflinks, the gems are choose themselves -
according to widely accepted birthstone charts. There is an
interesting thing here and this is about alternate
birthstones. Over the years, birthstone charts have been
interpreted in slightly differing ways, this has given rise to
what are often called 'alternate' birthstones. So just keep in
mind that, birthstone cufflinks can be made with such
alternate birth stones too. For example, gold or 925 silver
cuff links with the November birthstone could have yellow
topaz or citrine gems. This birthstone choice basically came
about because of the rarity of natural yellow topaz gems. The
rare occurence of yellow topaz specifically in sizes above 1
to 2 carats meant that, strict adherence to yellow topaz as a
birth stone for November would be an expensive affair for
most people. Similalry, the month of December could be
represented by Turquoise or Blue Topaz as birthstones.
Below is a list of
conventional birthstones for your reference. Do contact
our support experts if you need further information or
would like to discuss the possibility of alternate
birthstones for your cuff links. |
If you look at birthstones like
ruby, sapphire, emerald and even diamonds you will find that,
these gems show a swift increase in price (per carat) as the
gem size increases. So if your birthstone cufflinks need any
of these birthstones, specific choice of design is advised. By
this we mean that, birthstone cuff links with expensive gems
might better be made with concepts that use smaller gemstone
sizes. Do remember that, the number of stones in the cufflinks
can be many. In any case, do not go for very tiny gems as -
firm mounting of such stones is always a probelm. You would be
safe, if you stayed in the 2.5mm round and above gem size
The issue of firm gem mounting is
applicable to all gem stone cufflinks and not just, to
birthstone cuff links. The first factor is the type of gem
mounting, in an ideal case the gems in your cufflinks should
be mounted with metal all around the border. This type of gem
mounting for cuff links brings, two big advantages - the gems
will stay in place forever and will also be protected from
side impact. Prong setting especially for larger gems means
longer prongs too, these can get stuck in pockets and other
fabric. Such problems can cause the prongs to open up and
loosen the gemstone. If the gem loosens and falls off the
cufflinks, repairs can be expensive. Replacing lost stones in
cufflinks is like doing the same for earrings, you have to
give a lot of consideration to stone matching too - jewelry
providers generally charge a premium for gems that need to
match other existing gems. Small gems are generally set with
prongs, good craftsmaship is required to firmly mount multiple
small gems in a single jewel. From the view point of matching
gems it is quite obvious that, all the gems in the cufflinks
will need to match.
When it comes to gemstones in
cufflinks, there is an important issue that needs to be
understood. The world of gemstones is today bestowed with 2
broad categories of gemstones - these are natural gems and
artificial or man made gems. If you were looking for the
January birthstone in your cufflinks, this would be a garnet -
there are natural garnets and cheap factory made substitutes.
In most cases buyers prefer natural birthstones and this is
what we recommend too. However what you need to understand is
that the price of the cufflinks, would be dependent on this
factor too. For example, a pair of sapphire cufflinks
(September birthstone) with - would be quite expensive with
natural sapphires. So you cannot make a direct price
comparison without, knowing whether the gems are artificial or
natural. Having said that, it is fine if you wish to get your
birthstone cufflinks with artificial or imitation gemstones,
but make sure that you are not charged the price of natural
gems for them!
There is one more issue that we
would like to address before, we summarize the contents of
this report on birthstone cufflinks. You might have come
across, blue lapis, agate, black onyx (or similar) gem stone
cufflinks where, the gemstone is cut high and bulges out from
the cuff link. Generally this does not happen with gems that
are very expensive because, high cut stones also mean a big
weight. Gems are generally priced by carat (weight unit). Not
much thought might be given to these high profile (high cut)
gems but, the fact is that a gemstone that protrudes too much
beyond the surface the of the cufflinks is more likely, to get
damaged by physical impact. So make sure that this is kept in
mind, when choosing a pair of gemstone cufflinks. This might
be easier to handle if you purchase cuff links that are custom
made but, for readymade cufflinks you might need to take a
look around before finding the right pair.
Cufflinks, Quick Reference
Custom birthstone cufflinks
can be made in gold or 925 silver. For silver cufflinks,
it is advised that they be left unplated.
Birthstones are defined for
each month, natural gems are generally preferred for
birth stone cuff links. |
Some months, like November
and December have alternate birthstones defined, you can
refer to this when budget limitations are
involved. |
Birthstone cufflinks make
great gifts because, many men are more willing to wear
cuff links as compared to, mens jewels like rings,
pendants, bracelets etc. There is also no issue like
ring size, as far as cuff links are
concerned. |
The price and durability,
of gems differs. This needs to be kept in mind when
selecting the design for your birthstone cuff
links. |
Durability for cufflinks
with birthstones, depends on a number of factors.
Design, construction, gems used and craftsmanship and
metal weight all play a part. |
Good craftsmanship is
essential for the firm mounting of gems in your
cufflinks. Choose the right jeweler, to get your
birthstone cufflinks
made. |
Below are some cufflink ideas for
you to choose from. At Kai Silver we can custom make all
cufflinks in gold or 925 silver, with the design of your
choice. While our gem stone cufflinks generally have natural
gemstones, we can provide artificial gems on one condition -
you will need to expressly state that you know and understand
that the gems (if you request for artificial gems) are not
natural. We can also custom make plain cuff links with no gems
but, with etchings or unique metal finishings of your choice.
Our support team can be contacted at with any questions or requirements that you might
Kaisilver custom makes all types of
jewelry including cuff links in gold or silver. The
design for your plain or gemstone cufflinks can be yours
or ours. All the cufflinks shown above have natural
gemstones but, we can provide artificial gemstones if
you SPECIFICALLY request for them. Since the gemstones
for your cufflinks are decided by you, the option for
birth stone cuff links is always available ... more.
Articles: Check out the complete list of gems
and jewelry articles compiled by Kaisilver experts ....